Wednesday, February 17, 2010

different cameras thus the different lights settings.

rico came over today for visiting and he ransacked my room and took all these rubbish, put them on and make me laugh like a pig. oh wait. pigs dont laugh right?


Unknown said...

we don't like to speak chinese either ! haha ! But we do like your clothing style !

x Lise & Laura

Unknown said...

oh, we were just checking out some other blogs & we liked yours :)
i hope we didn't offend you with the ' not-speaking chinese'-part ?

Rachel said...

no no. it's perfectly fine. im just curious why are they so many foreigns reading my blog.

rico said...

i like your style. maybe its my style too. HAHA.

Rachel said...


rico said...

how come blogger doenst support the use of tumblr. thats weird.