Wednesday, February 11, 2009

holland with mr rico for breakfast at yakun. i swear no matter which branch of yakun kaya toast shop, there is sure to be flies everywhere. hahah. went xinyi' house. main plan was to study but i fell asleep on her bed in the end. the walk to her house is freaking tiring. i rather stay at home everyday than to climb the up down up down up down hill. and i woke up with 9 missed calls with bad hair day.

cabbed down to town cause i was late. caught the curious case of benjamin button. really good show but really long show. 2 hours and a 40 mins. :D stiffed backs and sore butts. botak jones for dinner. :D love the food there.
and i love brands essence of chicken!

im sorry for slapping you :D

1 comment:

talktothewalls said...

I LOVE BRANDS ESSENCE OF CHICKEN TOO! but usually i too poor to buy so i just mix marmite with hot water ahahahah